Keeping HOPE Alive


I recently read a troubling article in today’s AJC concerning the HOPE Scholarship.  As someone who was fortunate enough to receive the HOPE Scholarship throughout my entire undergraduate degree, I know how important the program is–as well as the opportunities that it can provide to thousands of Georgia’s students. 

When the Scholarship first was introduced, HOPE made Georgia’s higher education system the envy of the nation, but in order to maintain this status, we must work to keep it funded.  We must keep tuition low in order to make sure that HOPE is sustainable.  The more that tuition increases, the quicker the funds will deplete.  We must continue to find alternative solutions to address the budget shortfalls of our state without raising taxes to Georgia’s families or businesses.  A number of solutions for finding alternate revenue have been proposed, but the leadership in the Georgia House of Representatives have systematically quashed discussion on each and every one of those solutions, thereby letting numerous opportunities to collect more revenue for the state pass us by.

The decisions will be tough, but we will make it through.  When elected as your Representative, I will stand up to those who are not doing everything that they can to ensure that Georgia has the best public school system in the nation, and I will always seek alternate solutions to building the State’s coffers.

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