Georgia’s Struggling Economy

By now, we all are very aware of the dismal financial situation that the state of Georgia is facing.  Unfortunately, and not surprisingly, a new report shows that, right now, Georgia’s economy is amongst the weakest in the United States.

The article states that Georgia has lost 74,600 jobs over the past year, and that unemployment hovers around 10%.  I find these figures to be two truly harrowing numbers.

We need new leaders who have the right priorities for Paulding County in mind.  In order to bring ourselves out from this horrible economic situation, we must create jobs and promote our small businesses.  I do not believe that we should consider raising income taxes for people like you and me, because that will only lead us on a road to more hardship.

We need proactive leadership under the Gold Dome, and we need it NOW.  I promise to deliver just that.

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