Thank You for Your Votes!

It has now been a week since the primary election, and I have had the opportunity to reflect on the results.  I am honored to have garnered the support of many Paulding County residents, and I am still excited that I won my first election–though I was unopposed this time around!

The next few months, as you already know, will be the real test.  Right now, I am working diligently with my Campaign Manager and staff of volunteers to build up our team, and so far, we have on board some of the best minds that Georgia has to offer.

From now until November, my team and I will be knocking on thousands and thousands of doors all over District 19, and we are looking forward to the chance to meet many of YOU along the way.  This task will take time and effort, but ultimately, it is the only way to truly keep my fingers on the pulse of Paulding County.  I hope that you will join me in my field operation, and if you would like to help out, please email me at, and I will make sure that you are connected with those folks who will be knocking on doors in your neighborhood!

Stay tuned for more updates, and I look forward to seeing you all on the campaign trail.

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